Branches Information.
General information
The general information for each branch can be modified separately. Where the name of the branch can be modified and attached to its logo, in addition, the amendment to the contact number and the time zone with the country in which the branch was located with the possibility of entering the address.

The property that everyone desires, which is the property of determining the priority of prices. Through Pops Enterprise, it provides you with the ability to prioritize the price list, where the priority of calculating the price can be arranged from (service type / service provider / order type).
Point settings.
Loyalty points can be activated for each branch separately, with the amount earned when spent at the rate of 1 local currency. The points will be activated for all customers in the same branch.

Charges settings
When you want to calculate a service fee, it can also be activated in each branch separately, entering the fee rate, tax and choosing the service fee calculation strategy.
With absolute ease, branches can be activated and disabled with just one click of a button.
It is worth noting that when you want to add a new branch, you must refer to the seller.