Service Provider
Payment and receipt of payments from service providers.
Service providers are companies or organizations that provide different services to customers, such as delivery companies that deliver your goods to customers. A certain percentage or amount may be agreed upon between the restaurant and the
service providers.

POPs Enterprise provides you with the feature of entering the amounts received from service providers and the amounts paid to service providers, and it is worth noting that the amounts are calculated smartly by the system without the need to refer to previous requests and verify them.
Through the smart system Enterprise provides you with the feature of displaying payments according to the time period of your choice, and also shows you the method of payment and receipt.
The Enterprise system shows you the total orders received through service providers. It shows you the amount paid by paying in cash or by card and all payment methods. It also shows you the fees of the service providers to show you the total budget.
When the amount appears minus, this indicates that the service provider must pay the amount to your restaurant.
If the amount appears positive, this indicates that you have to pay the service provider.

When receiving payments from service providers, this can be defined from here by choosing the payment method and entering the name of the recipient with the amount received.

In the same way, the amounts sent to the service providers can be entered, where the payment method and the name of the recipient of the sent funds can be entered with the amount.